Frequently Asked Questions

Our experts answer your questions.

Do not worry, solar panels are designed to accept up to a 0.75 lbf/in² (5200Pa) panel load. The Safe Solar Clean robot exerts a maximum 0.58 lbf/in² (4000Pa) panel load – well within safety limits.

No. Our Safe Solar Clean robot has traction through its sturdy tracks mounted on rubber pads, enabling seamless efficiency movement over the largest arrays.

At Height: We can clean all solar roof installations with a pitch of up to 25-30° (pitches of more than 30° require a Safety Assessment).

Utility-scale installations : a range of brush widths up to 2.2m support efficient utility-scale cleaning. This allows up to 1MW utility scale installation within two days with just one team.

It’s possible, but as most residential roof pitches are in excess of 30°, we require a site inspection prior to quoting.

For Commercial & Industrial installations, a standard water hose connection is sufficient. The Safe Solar Clean operating team will bring a water pump and hosing to supply the Safe Solar Clean robot. Water trucking can be provided by Safe Solar Clean as if required.

The Safe Solar Clean robot is solar-charged and battery powered (we don’t use your electricity to power our cleaning).

For Utility-scale installations, a standard water hose connection is preferred. The Safe Solar Clean operating team will bring a water pump and hosing to supply the Safe Solar Clean robot. Water trucking can be provided by Safe Solar Clean if required.

A water supply is often required at >1MW solar farms. Then the Safe Solar Clean operating team will arrive with a water truck and sufficient hosing.

The Safe Solar Clean robot is solar-charged and battery powered (we don’t use your electricity to power our cleaning).

The expert team at Safe Solar Clean have detailed knowledge to ensure you get the clean you need to maximise the lifespan of your installation.

  • Comprehensive risk assessment and method statement provided for every location.
  • Visual checks of solar panels and reporting feedback are included. 
  • All staff are fully trained and carrying certification for working at height safely.
  • Our operators are fully Insured.


solar panel cleaning robot safely cleaning solar panels
Why Clean Solar Panels ?

Solar panels generate power work by exposing solar cells to sunshine. The more sunlight that hits a panel, the more power is generated.

people inspecting solar panels for safe solar cleaning
How it Works

Safe Solar Clean uses robotic mechanized solar panel cleaning solutions to bring energy generation back up to capacity.

robot safely cleaning industrial solar panels

Our experts answer your questions. How heavy is the robot? Do I need site utilities? Why choose Safe Solar Clean?

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