How IT Works

A consistent clean from panel 1 to 1,000. 

Safe Solar Clean uses robotic mechanized solar panel cleaning to bring energy generation back up to full capacity.

What are the advantages of mechanized cleaning?


  • Mechanized cleaning is the most efficient method of removing dirt quickly
  • Brush rotation at 165 rpm, with dual rotational direction

An effective consistent clean

  • The brushes agitate and remove built-up particulates and air pollution particles without leaving dirt tracks
  • The robot has dual fiber, helicoidal brushes that ensure thorough consistent cleaning without damaging the panel surface 


  • Using a robot reduces the number of people at height 
  • The robot is fully remote controlled, with a range of 200m so the Robot Operator does not have to move along internal panel edges
  • There is no reduction of cleaning efficiency for hard-to-reach panels 

Our solar-charged, battery-powered cleaning robot agitates and generally removes built-up particulates and air pollution particles. Let the sun shine through, with Safe Solar Clean.

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